Blues harmonica and Chromatic harmonica

How to choose your harmonica set? 2ND SEP 2020 ~ CHROMATIC & DIATONIC HARMONICA HARMO The harmonica is the perfect instrument to make country, folk and blues music. So, for all those who want to get into this kind of music, it is necessary to find the right harmonica. To do so, they have to take into account certain elements in order to make the right choice. The ideal harmonica for a beginner The modern Harmonica is a wind instrument. That is to say, you have to use your own breath to produce music. So, for any beginner, it is advisable to use the diatonic harmonica. This one is perfect for beginners. Therefore, it is exactly what you need to play with this instrument. Things to consider when buying a blues harmonica or a chromatic harmonica To buy a blues harmonica, you have to take into account many elements. First of all, there is the quality of the instrument. It must meet certain standards. Secondly, there is the design. Third, there is the price at which you will buy it....