Diatonic Harmonicas, the most commonly used harmonicas

Diatonic Harmonicas are the most commonly used harmonicas and are especially used for blues, folk and country music.
These are also known as the blues harmonica and are the most commonly sold harmonicas among all brands. Harmonicas are sometimes also referred to as harps. We can say that the diatonic Harmonicas are actually limited to two or three types of music and the Trichronic Harmonicas are versatile in their adaptability.

Site web : https://harmo.com/14-diatonic-harmonicas

The diatonic harmonicas can give you additional layer of notes with bending, which is a plus point as compared to its other type. Diatonic Harmonicas are very simple in nature, they are compact and have 10 holes; which are the most convenient. The diatonic Harmonicas are capable of playing the twelve keys of music, so you can easily purchase the best tuned ones.

Others harmonicas :

Most of the time beginners are also recommended the diatonic harmonicas because they are simple to use. A large number of people prefer listening to blues music on the harp and for this purpose diatonic harmonicas are ideal. 

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